SEO Processes: What You Need to Pull Up Rankings

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a technique of optimizing a website in order to be more visible in Search Engines. SEO is adopted by all non profit, personal and even commercial websites to gain popularity and income from the internet. Search Engine Optimization is proven to increase the visibility of a website on Google and all other search engines. SEO involves Processes, such are:

Content Creation

You need to understand that everything you put on your website is considered content. Make sure that you only put necessary stuffs in your website to support reliable link building. Remember that every content on your website is a part of the bigger picture of your over all SEO. Continuous content productions helps a lot in your SEO Process, so make sure that you continually provide new, unique and relevant contents as it is well loved by Google’s Web Spiders.

Link building

Experts of SEO call it silent promotion. Link Building is an indirect way of promoting a website through the use of links seen on articles and other posts over the internet. Link building is a very important task that should not be taken for granted. It should be an ongoing process if you want your SEO campaign to succeed.

Establish A Good Reputation Online

Reputation, as always is very important. It can make or break you whole SEO Process. A negative reputation can turn off potential clients and could cause you great loss. Always double check your content before publishing anything over the internet. Also, avoid linking your site to malicious and adult sites.


Blogging is mainly a collaboration of two imortant seo methods namely Link Building and Content creation. A lot of people today are now using this method to publicize a brand or service as many today are getting hooked with reading and subscribing to blogs. It is very advantageous if you have a blog that you can sonnect to your business website. Blogging is indeed a powerful tool and can produce great results just on its own.

Promoting on Social Media

A lot of businesses today takes very good advantage of social networking sites. Today, there are few types of social media sites that is dominating among all. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are the most perfect types of social media sites you would want to link to if you want to gain tremendous amount of traffic. Having an account with these websites lets you tell the rest of the world about your business or website’s existence.

Observing these five processes will help you gain more traffic from Google and other search Engines. Be sure that you do them side by side.